Thursday, September 17, 2009

I LOVE MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is amazing how much music means to me. It was like i was born with a pair of headset on. If i don't listen to music for a least one minute each day, i will be in the worst mood. It makes me happy and when i am sad it heals me.
Music today is good and everything but i prefer older music, now don't get me wrong i like all kinds of music, but usually i am either listening to oldies or rap/dance music. Two of my favorite artist are Nat "king" Cole and Frank Sinatra. Those two are probably the best singers of all time. It is sad that most people don't know who they are. That is why i think my generation and the future generations are lost when it comes to music. Most just listen to what is NOW playing rather than what WAS playing. Now, that does not mean that i don't like new hits ,there are some good ones out there,but that doesn't mean that i listen to the new stuff all the time, i like variety.If you listen to one song over and over again then it will get old and becomes an old hit on a dusty shelf, but it shouldn't be that way. Music is just seen as a fad but it is so much more than that, it is like a way of life, that is slowly dying. We have to appreciate music before it becomes something insignificant to our society and slowly starts to disappear. Don't let that happen, it is part of who we our.Every human being has some piece of music embedded in them, but it is their choice to listen to it or ignore. So are you going to ignore it or listen to what it has to say?

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